TS1068: Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor

TS1068: Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor

TS1068: Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected

TypeScript is a powerful superset of JavaScript that adds static types to the language. This means you can define types for your variables, function parameters, and return values, allowing for clearer and more maintainable code. Using types can help catch errors early in the development process, as TypeScript provides a robust way to define the shape and behavior of your data.

Understanding Types

Types in TypeScript serve as a way to describe the kind of values that can be used in your code. A type can be a primitive type (like number, string, or boolean), or more complex types like arrays, tuples, enums, and interfaces. For example, an interface defines a structure that an object should adhere to, while an enum is a set of named constants.

When you define types, you help ensure that your code behaves as expected, leading to fewer runtime errors.

Error TS1068: Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected.

Now, let's dive into TS1068: Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected. This error typically arises when TypeScript encounters a syntax issue in your code, often due to incorrectly defined classes, methods, or properties.

Common Causes and Examples

  1. Missing Method or Property Definition

    If you forget to define a method or property in a class, TypeScript may throw this error. For example:

    class Example {
        constructor(private name: string) {
            // Missing method definition here


    Make sure to close braces correctly, and define the missing methods or properties:

    class Example {
        constructor(private name: string) {}
        greet() {
            console.log(`Hello, ${this.name}`);
  2. Incorrectly Placed Brackets

    Placing brackets incorrectly can lead to TS1068: Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected. For instance:

    class Example {
        constructor(private name: string) {
        }  // Missing property or method after the constructor


    Ensure you complete your class definition properly:

    class Example {
        constructor(private name: string) {}
        display() {
  3. Improper Use of Access Modifiers

    Another common scenario is using access modifiers incorrectly, which can confuse TypeScript. Here's an example:

    class Example {
        private name: string;
        constructor(name: string) {
            this.name = name;
        public display() {
        } // Missing a comma or defining another method/property afterwards


    Correct your code by ensuring proper method definition or closing structures correctly:

    class Example {
        private name: string;
        constructor(name: string) {
            this.name = name;
        public display() {

Important Things to Know

  • Pay attention to syntax: Always check for missing commas, braces, or quotes.
  • Keep method and property definitions clear: Ensure that each method and property in your classes is correctly defined.
  • Familiarize yourself with access modifiers: This includes public, private, and protected. Understand how and where to use them properly.


  • What does "unexpected token" mean?

    • It indicates that TypeScript found something that it doesn’t recognize where it was expecting a valid token (like a method or property).
  • How can I avoid this error?

    • Regularly check the syntax of your TypeScript code and make sure that all necessary components are correctly defined.

In conclusion, TS1068: Unexpected token. A constructor, method, accessor, or property was expected. is a common error that can often be easily fixed by carefully reviewing your code. Understanding the structure and syntax of TypeScript will help you navigate and resolve these issues more effectively. By practicing careful coding habits and regularly reviewing your code, you can minimize the occurrence of this error in your projects.